Stay at the Fair all day and win!
- The Fair Association reserves the right to accept or reject any item for any reason.
- Entries will be accepted between 8am and 12 noon on Friday, August 11, 2017
- Non-animal exhibits do not need pre-registration.
- All items must have been made within one year of the fair date, or within the 4H year.
- Non-animal exhibitors may enter more than one item per section (unless otherwise stated) however, only one premium is paid per section.
- If group projects are entered, one premium is paid and each participant will receive a ribbon.
- No pets allowed in the Exhibit Hall.
Department 1 - Agriculture/Horticulture
Department 2 - Food Preservation
Department 3 - Baking
Department 4 - Flowers
Department 5 - Needlework
Department 6 - Quilts
Department 7 - Wearable Art
Department 8 - Fleece and Fiber
Department 9 - Sewing
Department 10 - 4H Sewing
Department 11 - Crafts
Department 12 - Specialized Projects
Department 13 - Fine Arts
Department 14 - Photography
Department 15 - Educational Posters
Department 16 - Miscellaneous
Department 17 - Wood
Department 18 - Metal
Department 19 - Natural Resources