Class l Fresh Fruit
1. Apples (any variety) 5
2. Apricots 5
3. Berries plate arranged
4. Cantalope 1
5. Grapes 3 bunches
6. Pears (any variety) 5
7. Peaches (any variety) 5
8. Plums 10
9. Strawberries 10
10. Watermelon 1
11. Other
Class ll Fresh Vegetables
1. Beans - Bush (snap stage) 10 pods
2. Beans - pole (snap stage) 10 pods
3. Beets - table 3
4. Beets - giant 1/2 sugar 1
5. Broccoli 2 tops
6. Cabbage - early & late 1 head
7. Carrots - table 5
8. Carrots - white & yellow stock 3
9. Cauliflower 1 head
10. Celery 1 stock
11. Corn - sweet 3 ears
12. Corn - field 3 ears
13. Cucumbers - pickling 5
14. Cucumbers - slicing 2
15. Eggs 4
16. Herbs (fresh in container of water)
Subsection: A - Chives 12
B - Basil 1 spray
C - Dill 3 heads
D - Garlic 1 bud
E - Horseradish 1 root
F - Parsley 1 spray
G - Sage 1 spray
H - Thyme 1 spray
I - Mint 1 spray
J - Oregano 1 spray
K - Other
17. Lettuce 1 head
18. Onions (red, yellow, white) 3
19. Peas 6 pods
20. Peppers
Subsection: L - green or ripe 3
M - red 3
N - yellow 3
21. Popcorn (any color) 5 ears
22. Potatoes (any variety) 3
23. Pumpkin 1
24. Radishes 6 (one kind)
25. Rhubarb 3 stalks
26. Rutabagas 3
27. Squash - summer 3
28. Squash - winter 1
29. Tomatoes - ripe or green 3
30. Cherry tomatoes - ripe or green 5
31. Turnips (flat or globe) 3
32. Other 1 or more
Class lll Exotics
1. Beans 10 pods
2. Broccoli 2 tops
3. Cabbage 1 head
4. Carrots 6
5. Cauliflower 1 head
6. Celery 1 stalk
7. Corn 1 stalk
8. Cucumbers 4
9. Onions 3
10. Peppers 3
11. Tomatoes 4
12. Other
Class lV Largest Vegetable (1 each)
List type
Class V Creative Fruit or Vegetable
- Fruit or vegetable can be naturally created or created by exhibitor
- No unnatural decorations, paint, or jewelry
Class Vl Grain
1. Thrashed in quart jar
2. Sheaved 2" bundle
Class Vll Hay (3 to 5 inch flake from standard small square bale)
1. Alfalfa
2. Grass
3. Grain
4. Other
Class Vlll Honey
1. Two second comb
2. One pint extracted
3. One frame comb
Class lX Other