- All canned exhibits to be in standard quart, pint, or half-pint jars (Kerr, Mason, or Ball). Jars and lids should be of same manufacturer. All residue must be cleaned from jars.
- All containers must have a removable label placed on or with the jar (a good way to attach a label is with a rubber band or small piece of scotch tape). Indicate kind, date, and method of processing (pressure or hot water bath, raw pack), pound of pressure and processing time. Canning preservation methods other than pressure or hot water bath will not be accepted for entry. If label is not complete, your entry could be disqualified.
- Judging will be done with USDA recommendations.
- To ensure a qualified entry, you may refer to: a current “Ball Blue Book Guide to Home Canning, Freezing, and Dehydration” and /or “USDA Complete Guide to Home Canning.”
- Your name and address must be given to the office at the time of registration in order to receive Food Preservation Awards. A proof of purchase for “Ball Pectin” must be provided.
Class I Fruit
1 Apples2 Apricots
3 Berries
4 Prunes
5 Plums
6 Pears
7 Cherries
8 Huckleberries
9 Peaches
10 Rhubarb
11 Other
Class II Vegetables
1 Asparagus
2 Beans (green)
3 Beans (yellow)
4 Beets
5 Carrots
6 Corn
7 Ketchup
8 Peas
9 Pumpkin
10 Salsa
11 Sauerkraut
12 Tomatoes
13 Medley (mix of 3)
14 Other
Class III Jellies
1 Apple
2 Apricot
3 Berries
4 Berries (wild)
5 Cherry
6 Grape
7 Peach
8 Pear
9 Plum
10 Prune
11 Raspberry
12 Strawberry
13 Mixture
14 Unsweetened
15 Other
Class IV Jams
1 Apple
2 Apricot
3 Berries
4 Berries (wild)
5 Cherry
6 Grape
7 Peach
8 Pear
9 Plum
10 Prune
11 Raspberry
12 Strawberry
13 Mixture
14 Fruit Butter
15 Unsweetened
16 Other
Class V Juices
1 Apple
2 Apricot
3 Berries
4 Berries (wild)
5 Cherry
6 Grape
7 Peach
8 Pear
9 Prune
10 Raspberry
11 Strawberry
12 Mixture
13 Tomato
14 Mixed Veggie
15 Unsweetened
16 Other
Class Vl Syrups
1 Apple
2 Apricot
3 Berries
4 Berries (wild)
5 Cherry
6 Grape
7 Peach
8 Pear
9 Prune
10 Raspberry
11 Strawberry
12 Mixture
13 Other
Class Vll Sauces
1 Apple
2 Apricot
3 Berries
4 Cherry
5 Peach
6 Pear
7 Plum
8 Raspberry
9 Strawberry
10 Mixture
11 Tomato
12 Other
Class Vlll Pickles
1 Beets
2 Dill
3 Bread & Butter
4 Relish
5 Sweet
6 Dilly Beans
7 Mixed Veggies
8 Mustard
9 Other
Class lX Meat & Vegetable Protien Foods
1 Beef
2 Chicken
3 Meat
4 Fish
5 Soup
6 Lamb
7 Rabbit
8 Baked Beans
9 Other
Class X Dried
1 Fruits
2 Vegetables
3 Meat
4 Grains
5 Cooking Herbs
6 Other
Class Xl Dried Leather
Class Xll Gift Baskets/Soup Mixes (Must have at least 1 "home" preserved item)
Class Xlll Wine
1 Apple
2 Apricot
3 Berries
4 Berries (wild)
5 Cherry
6 Grape
7 Peach
8 Pear
9 Prune
10 Raspberry
11 Strawberry
12 Mixture
13 Other
Class XlV Miscellaneous