- Sections are arranged by fair officials by whatever is practical.
- Contestants will be judged on the following: Appearance of the exhibitor 20pts Appearance of the animal 20pts Showmanship 30pts Presentation & Questions 30pts
- Each exhibitor must supply their own water and food dishes. Frozen water bottles are strongly recommended to keep your animal cool in the heat.
- Exhibitors are responsible for the care and cleanup of their own animal. They are expected to maintain feeding/watering and grooming conditions that will ensure the good health and safety of animals in their care.
- It is the responsibility of each exhibitor to care for their own animal, or to see that someone is on duty at all times when their animal is being judged to transport their animal from cage to the judging table and back.
Class I Fitting and Showing
Class II Conformation
Section A One junior doe, up to 6 monthsB One intermediate doe, 6 to 8 months
C One senior doe, over 8 months
D One junior buck, up to 6 months
E One intermediate buck, 6 to 8 months
F One senior buck, over 8 months
Subsection: 1 H-Satin
2 L-Tan
5 L-Dutch
6 L-Mini Lop
7 L-Rex & Mini Rex
8 L-Silver Marten
9 H-German Angora
10 H-New Zealand
11 H-California
12 H-English/Fr. Angora
13 H-Checkered Giant
14 H-French Lop
15 Other Heavy Breeds
16 Other Dwarf Breeds
17 Other Mixed Breeds