• This show is considered a 4-H Cat Project State Qualifying Event for Stevens County.  Top scoring exhibitors are automatically considered for State Fair under qualifying rules and quota.  (Primaries are not eligible for State Fair)
  • Cats must be vaccinated against feline rhinotracheitis, pneumonitis, panleukopenia, and calicivirus.  Cats whose shots are current require a booster of above within one year prior to the Fair.  Young cats over 3 months of age should have 2 doses of above given at least 3 weeks apart & at least 2 weeks prior to fair.
  • Exhibitors must supply own cage, covered on top, back and sides with the bottom lined.  Cages should be about 21”x21”x21”.  Animals cannot be exhibited in carrying crates.  Some cages will be available for 4-H members - must be reserved in advance.
  • Cages may be decorated but animals must be in full view at all times.
  • Exhibitors must furnish water dish and litter trays with litter.
  •  Animals must have a double-buckle or figure-8 halter and leash available.  Halter & leash must be used whenever animals are removed from cage, but must not be left on the animal when in the cage.
  • Exhibitors are limited to one cat per section.
  • Cage decorating must be completed by 9:00am and remain on exhibit until 4:00pm.
  • Refer to 4-H publication, EM4810 for rules.
  • No pregnant or nursing cats may be entered.
  • Please indicate if animal is male or female and if cage is needed on registration form.
  • Each exhibitor is responsible for caring for his/her animal and for sharing in barn duties.

Class I    Fitting and Showing

Class II    Conformation


     A   Kittens (4-8 months)

     B   Household pet

     C   Purebred

Class III    Cat Costume Contest (no premiums awarded)

Class IV    Decorated Cage Contest (no premiums awarded)